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On-site Links
The Cuban Club
New York, 1960
The Up-Down
The Roy Stories [Seven Stories Press]
Landscape with Traveler: The Pillow Book of Francis Reeves [Seven Stories Press]
Imagining Paradise: New and Selected Poems [Seven Stories Press]
Sad Stories of the Death of Kings [Seven Stories Press]
Sailor and Lula: The Complete Novels [Seven Stories Press]
The Stars Above Veracruz (paperback) [Thunders Mouth Press]
Memories from a Sinking Ship [Seven Stories Press]
The Cavalry Charges [Thunder’s Mouth Press]
Read ’em and Weep [Dieselbooks]
Back in America [Light of New Orleans Publishing]
Brando Rides Alone (from the Terra Nova series of American Narratives) [North Atlantic Books (2003)]
The Rooster Trapped in the Reptile Room: A Barry Gifford Reader [Seven Stories Press]
Off-site Links
Sad Stories of the Death of Kings [Seven Stories Press]
Sailor and Lula: The Complete Novels [Seven Stories Press]
Las cuatro reinas / The Four Queens [Editorial Aldus]
Saroyan : A Biography [Thunder’s Mouth Press]
The Stars Above Veracruz [Thunder’s Mouth Press]
Jack’s Book: An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac [Thunder’s Mouth Press]
The Sinaloa Story (paperback) [Seven Stories Press]
Do the Blind Dream? (paperback) [Seven Stories Press]
On-site Links
Do the Blind Dream? (hardcover) [Seven Stories Press]
American Falls [Seven Stories Press]
Out of the Past [Univ. Press of Mississippi]
The Phantom Father (paperback) [Crane Hill]
Replies to Wang Wei (poetry) [Creative Arts]
Wyoming (hardcover edition) [Arcade/Warner Books]
Wyoming (paperback edition) [Seven Stories Press]
Off-site Links
Bordertown [Chronicle Books]
Flaubert at Key West [First Intensity]
Ghosts No Horse Can Carry [Creative Arts]
Hotel Room Trilogy [University Press of Mississippi]
Landscape with Traveler (O.P.)
Lost Highway (screenplay) [Faber and Faber]
My Last Martini [Crane Hill]
Night People [Grove Press]
Port Tropique (O.P.)
Perdita Durango [Grove Press]
The Sinaloa Story (paperback, UK edition) [Rebel Inc./Canongate]
Wild at Heart [Grove Press]
The Wild Life of Sailor & Lula [Grove Press]
The Wild Life of Sailor & Lula (UK Edition includes all ‘Sailor & Lula’ Novels) [Rebel Inc./Canongate]
Barry Gifford’s literary archives are housed in Special Collections at the Stanford University Library.
click here for more information
Foreign Publishers
Below is a small sample of some of the foreign publishers that carry Barry Gifford titles. However, many other titles are available in other languages. Check with your local bookstore, library, or for other books and publishers in your area.
Recent books:
Les aveugles font-ils des rêves? (Cahiers Du Cinema, 2006)
Wyoming and Sinaloa Story (Gallimard, March 2002)
Other titles available from the following publishers:
Editions Gallimard
Editions Rivages
Cahiers du Cinema/Editions de l’ Etoile
Heyne Verlag
Fischer Verlag
Recent Books:
Jack’s Book (Fandango, Oct 2001)
Port Tropique (Einaudi, Feb. 2002)
Other titles available from the following publishers:
Reecent book:
Wyoming (Emece / Planeta, Jan 2002)
Other titles available from the following publishers:
Emece (Planeta)
Ediciones Destino (Planeta)
Recent books:
Wild at Heart (Y-Factory, 2005)
Sailor’s Holiday (Y-Factory, 2006)