A Day at the Races: The Education of a Racetracker
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A Good Man to Know: A Semi-Documentary Fictional Memoir
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American Falls: The New and Selected Stories
An Unfortunate Woman
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Arise and Walk
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Baby Cat-Face: A Novel
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Back in America
French Quarter Fiction
Beautiful Phantoms: Selected Poems, 1968-1980
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Brando Rides Alone
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Do The Blind Dream?
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Flaubert at Key West
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Francis Goes to the Seashore
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Giotto’s Circle
Ghosts No Horse Can Carry: Collected Poems, 1967-1987
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Horse Hauling Timber Out of Hokkaido Forest
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Hotel Room Trilogy: Tricks/Blackout/Mrs. Kashfi
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Jack’s Book: An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac
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Kerouac’s Town (Modern Authors Monograph Series ; No. 2)
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Landscape With Traveler: The Pillow Book of Francis Reeves
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Lost Highway
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My Last Martini: Stories
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My mother’s people
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New Mysteries of Paris
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Night People
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Out of the Past: Adventures in Film Noir
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Paysage Avec Voyageur
Perdita Durango
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The Phantom Father
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Poems from Snail Hut
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Port Tropique: A Novel
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Read ’em and Weep
Replies to Wang Wei
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Sailor’s Holiday: The Wild Life of Sailor and Lula
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Sinaloa Story
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Saroyan: A Biography
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The Stars Above Veracruz
The boy you have always loved
The Devil Thumbs a Ride and Other Unforgettable Films
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The Neighborhood of Baseball: A Personal History of the Chicago Cubs
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The Rooster Trapped in the Reptile Room: A Barry Gifford Reader
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Wild at Heart: The Story of Sailor and Lula